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Germ Guy

Keeping their children happy and healthy is a parent’s first priority. To help, we have gathered a list of reliable resources, articles and videos on immunization for infants and children in Canada.

You can also help your children discover and learn how vaccines work, and why they are so important with our Just for Fun section featuring interactive games, videos and activities to help kids develop an interest in immunization at a young age and lessen their fear of the needle’s prick.

Infants and Children Resources:


Tips & Tools:

Featured Resources:

Just for Fun:


COVID-19 and kids: How mRNA vaccines work - American Academy of Pediatrics - 2:53
How childhood vaccines keep your child safe – Healthy Canadians - 1:49

Infographics/Fact Snacks:


Find a vaccinating clinic

This list of resources is in no way complete, if you have a resource link which should be included on this page please contact us at ac.114seniccav@troppus.

This information should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your physician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.