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Professionnels de la santé – e-Learning


Vaccins411 a assemblé un certain nombre d'activités de formation et d'éducation médicale continues en ligne destinés aux professionnels de la santé en ce qui concerne la vaccination. Choisissez la catégorie ci-dessous pour visionner les émissions, les modules de formation et les webinaires disponibles.

Titres sont répertoriés par catégorie :

(en anglais seulement)
Influenza vaccination in older adults: Supporting cardiovascular health and independence
Implications for Your Patients
Presented by Sherilyn Houle, BSP, PhD, CTH, AFTM RCPS(Glasg)
This course is accredited by CCCEP for 1.0 CEUs; course number 1329-2024-3758-I-P

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall updates to National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendations for influenza vaccination and expected changes to vaccine composition
  • Describe the role of real-world evidence in clinical decision making
  • Explain the association between influenza infection and cardiovascular events, loss of functional independence, and frailty in older adults
  • Counsel older adults on the impact of vaccination on reducing the above risks and vaccine options indicated for this population

This continuing education is free for members of Visit to sign up.

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(en anglais seulement)
Webinar on demand: The threat of RSV in older adults
This non-accredited learning activity explores current evidence on RSV vaccination and provides best practices, clinical tools, and strategies to help you support optimal management of RSV in your practice.
Presented by Dr. Marla Shapiro C.M.; CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC, FCFP, MSCP; Professor, DFCM, University of Toronto
Ajit Johal, PharmD, RPh; Director of clinical services,; Clinical Instructor, UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this on-demand webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe the burden of RSV disease in the adult population and risk as related to age and underlying medical conditions Identify risk factors for severe complications of RSV and why older adults face a higher risk
  • Understand new clinical evidence supporting RSV vaccination and current vaccine technologies to address age-related decline in immunity
  • Apply best practices and tools for identifying adults at risk of serious outcomes from RSV in your practice
  • Acquire strategies for implementing RSV vaccination into practice to optimize adult immunization

This continuing education is free for members of Visit to sign up.

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(en anglais seulement)
CE: The science and impact of new innovations in influenza vaccines
This lesson will provide an overview of factors impacting influenza vaccine effectiveness, compare and contrast manufacturing processes, and summarize real-world evidence specific to the cell-based influenza vaccine.
Presented by Sherilyn Houle, BSP, PhD, CTH, AFTM RCPS (Glasg)/span>

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the role of neuraminidase in the immune response to influenza vaccines
  • Describe the potential impact of egg adaptation on influenza vaccine effectiveness
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of available technologies in influenza vaccine manufacturing
  • Apply real-world evidence on influenza vaccines to patient care

This continuing education is free for members of Visit to sign up.

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(en anglais seulement)
Flu Refresher Course

This training module is intended as a refresher on how to administer the flu vaccine. The module can be completed within 30 minutes.

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
Vaccination antigrippale : Un outil essentiel de votre trousse
Ce programme d'autoapprentissage a reçu la certification du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et donne droit à jusqu’à 0,50 crédit Mainpro+.

Ce programme de formation médicale continue de 30 minutes a reçu l’agrément Mainpro+ du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et est destiné aux professionnels de la santé canadiens. L’objectif est d’offrir un enseignement sur le fardeau de la grippe et les mesures de prévention et de contrôle la grippe. Ce programme fournit des informations pratiques sur les vaccins antigrippaux disponibles au Canada et décrit les recommandations vaccinales canadiennes, afin de vous appuyer lors des discussions avec vos patients dans le cadre de votre pratique clinique.

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
Après avoir complété ce programme de formation continue, le participant sera mieux en mesure de :​

  • Expliquer le fardeau de la grippe et l’importance de se protéger contre cette maladie évitable.
  • Discuter des recommandations vaccinales nationales pour la saison grippale 2023-2024.
  • Appliquer les recommandations pour la vaccination antigrippale en contexte de pratique clinique.
  • Employer des stratégies permettant de surmonter les barrières à la vaccination antigrippale liées aux patients.

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
Influenza – Fact or Fiction

Influenza is a highly contagious viral respiratory infection which can result in severe illness leading to hospitalization and death. This series of Fact or Fiction articles discuss key facts relating to the clinical burden of influenza, the relationship between influenza and cardiovascular events, seasonality and patterns of influenza infection, and the role of influenza vaccines.

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Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Rebecca Jane Cox, PhD; Catherine S. Weil-Olivier, MD
Influenza in Children: Expert Insights on the Current Burden of Disease
Maximum of 0.25 CPD - Non-US Physicans

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This educational activity is intended for Europe and Canada-based pediatricians, pulmonologists, primary care practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to understand the burden of influenza in children and how children are key factors in influenza transmission in the community.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Burden of influenza in children
  • Influenza transmission dynamics in children and to others

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By George Kassianos, CBE, MD (Hons), FRCGP; Terho Heikkinen, MD, PhD; Saul N. Faust, MBBS, PhD, FRCPCH
Value of Influenza Vaccination in Children: Impact on Transmission and Burden in the Whole Population
Maximum of 0.50 CPD - Non-US Physicians

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This educational activity is intended for Europe- and Canada-based pediatricians, pulmonologists, primary care physicians (PCPs), nurses, and pharmacists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better informed about the influenza vaccine coverage rates and vaccine data in children, as well as how learners can implement child-focused vaccine strategies into their clinical practice.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Role of children in influenza transmission
  • Real-world data for influenza vaccination in children
  • Successful vaccine strategies to increase uptake in children

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Paul G. Auwaerter, MD; Litjen (L.J.) Tan, MS, PhD; Tina Q. Tan, MD
New Strategies for an Old Problem: Where Are We With Influenza?
Maximum of 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians
Maximum of 0.75 ABIM MOC points - ABIM Diplomates

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for infectious disease specialists, primary care physicians, pediatricians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to improve coverage of influenza vaccination.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Current trends with influenza in the United States and globally
  • Have greater competence related to Educating patients about influenza and the role of vaccines
  • Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to Improve coverage of influenza vaccination in pediatric and adult populations

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Nourrissons et enfants

mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
Anticorps monoclonaux à courte et à longue durée d’action pour l’immunoprophylaxie contre le VRS
Ce programme d'autoapprentissage a reçu la certification du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et donne droit à jusqu’à 1,00 crédit Mainpro+.

Cette formation médicale continue (FMC) de 60 minutes du CMFC à l’intention des professionnels de la santé canadiens a reçu la certification Mainpro+. Elle a pour objectif d’offrir un enseignement sur le fardeau du virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) et des lignes directrices sur la prévention et les mesures de contrôle du VRS. Ce programme a été élaboré dans le but de fournir des informations pratiques au sujet des anticorps monoclonaux autorisés pour la prophylaxie du VRS au Canada, incluant un nouvel anticorps monoclonal à longue durée d’action destiné à tous les nourrissons.

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
À la fin de cette formation continue, les participants au programme seront mieux à même de :

  • Reconnaître la prévalence et le fardeau de la maladie causée par le VRS chez tous les nourrissons
  • Expliquer le rôle des anticorps monoclonaux dans la protection contre les maladies évitables
  • Appliquer l’immunoprophylaxie contre le VRS en contexte de pratique clinique
  • Employer des stratégies pour parler d’immunoprophylaxie contre le VRS pour tous les nourrissons et enfants

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
Virus Respiratoire Syncytial (VRS) : Fardeau Clinique & Stratégies Préventives

Le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) est la cause la plus fréquente d’infections des voies respiratoires et d’hospitalisation chez les nourrissons dans le monde. Il n’existe actuellement aucun moyen de prédire quels nourrissons développeront une maladie grave à VRS.

Ce programme aide les cliniciens à reconnaître le fardeau important du VRS, à diagnostiquer la maladie à VRS dans la pratique clinique et à identifier la saisonnalité du VRS. Ce programme discutera également des stratégies de prophylaxie contre le VRS chez les nourrissons.

Capsules éducatives :

  • Présentation du virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS)
  • Fardeau de la maladie
  • Saisonnalité du virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS)
  • Mesures préventives

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
RSV Prevention for All Infants: From NACI Guidelines to Clinical Application

This is a 15-minute expert brief for Canadian primary care providers and other healthcare professionals. Due to the limited therapeutic options available to manage RSV disease, the goal is to provide education on disease prevention. This expert brief is designed to provide practical information on passive immunization options available for infants in Canada, with a focus on NACI’s recommendations for the use of nirsevimab, the recently authorized long-acting monoclonal antibody. The expert brief video will feature a conversation between a Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist and a Family Physician.

Learning objectives:
After viewing this expert brief, participants will be better able to:

  • Recognize the burden of RSV disease in all infants
  • Summarize NACI guidance for a universal RSV immunization program
  • Implement RSV immunoprophylaxis in clinical practice

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de mdBriefCase.

mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
Webinar: RSV Prevention for All Infants

This 60-minute webinar is designed to provide Canadian HCPs with practical information on passive immunization options available in Canada, with a focus on the newly authorized long-acting monoclonal antibody nirsevimab, and the maternal RSVpref vaccine. The webinar will discuss RSV prevention through case studies, and highlight how a hospital order set can support implementation of the new RSV immunoprophylaxis in clinical practice.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the prevalence and burden of RSV disease in all infants
  • Summarize NACI guidance and supporting evidence on passive immunization for RSV
  • Implement a hospital order set for RSV prevention to support clinical practice

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Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Joseph Domachowske, MD, FAAP, FPIDS; Kevin A. Ault, MD; Paul J. Sanchez, MD
RSV Prevention in Neonates and Infants: A Deep Dive Into Passive Immunization
Maximum of 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians

Target Audience and Goal Statement

The intended audience for this activity is obstetricians/gynecologists, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals involved in the management of expectant parents.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants in the United States. Infants and certain young children are at higher risk for severe illness, especially in the setting of premature birth, immune compromise, or comorbid conditions. Recently, new preventive options have become available, including a maternal RSV vaccine for expectant mothers and a long-acting immunoprophylactic agent for infants and certain young children. Education is needed to keep clinicians up to date on the latest evidence-based recommendations for RSV prevention. This CME activity provides education on the burden of RSV disease in infants and evaluates passive immunization approaches. Experts in obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, and pediatric infectious disease will discuss effective comprehensive, interprofessional strategies to help prevent RSV transmission and severe illness among newborns.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Review the significant patient, parent, and healthcare burden associated with infant and young child RSV infections and alterations in RSV season trends.
  • Characterize approved monoclonal antibodies for RSV prevention in infants and young children by pharmacology, dosing, administration, and recent safety and efficacy data.
  • Discuss interprofessional strategies to prevent and mitigate RSV infections in infants and young children, including evidence-based recommendations.

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Adolescents et adultes

mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Seniors

While COVID-19 has affected all Canadians, seniors are particularly vulnerable to its health impacts, including a higher risk of hospitalization, health complications, and death. This 60-minute, unaccredited webinar provides education on the ongoing burden of COVID-19 for older adults, reflecting on lessons learned throughout the pandemic, with a discussion on preventative measures to reduce risk in this population. This program is designed to provide practical information on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) guidance for Fall 2023 immunizations in Canada, and strategies to promote awareness of the continued risk posed by COVID-19.

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de mdBriefCase.

Santé voyage

Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
Chikungunya Virus: A Growing Preventable Risk to Travelers in a Warming Planet
Approved for Maximum of 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians
Approved for Maximum of 0.50 ABIM MOC points - ABIM Diplomates

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for primary care physicians and infectious disease specialists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to understand the etiology and impact of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), how climate change is affecting its distribution, challenges with diagnosis and management, and recent clinical data on the CHIKV vaccines.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the
    • Impact that climate change has on CHIKV transmission and epidemiology
    • Current clinical challenges in diagnosing CHIKV
    • Status of CHIKV vaccine development

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(Médecins) L’essentiel sur le chikungunya : Guide de prévention et de prise en charge
Ce programme d'autoapprentissage a reçu la certification du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et donne droit à jusqu’à 0,75 crédits Mainpro+.

Ce programme de formation médicale continue de 45 minutes, agréé par le CMFC, le CCECP et l’OPQ, s’adresse aux médecins de soins primaires, pharmaciens et autres praticiens de santé-voyage. Il a pour but d’outiller les prestataires de soins de santé en leur fournissant des informations sur le virus chikungunya transmis par les moustiques et la maladie qu’il cause chez l’humain, incluant sa transmission, les facteurs de risque, les critères diagnostiques et la prise en charge de la maladie. Cette formation porte également sur les nouvelles stratégies préventives, incluant des vaccins en développement, permettant de se protéger contre le virus du chikungunya.

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
À la fin de cette formation continue, les participants au programme seront mieux à même de:

  • Expliquer l’épidémiologie et le fardeau du chikungunya
  • Décrire le tableau clinique et la maladie causée par le virus chikungunya
  • Conseiller les voyageurs sur les stratégies préventives permettant de réduire le risque d’infections virales transmises par les moustiques
  • Connaître les vaccins contre le chikungunya actuellement en développement et le rôle potentiel de la vaccination dans la prévention de l’infection par le virus chikungunya

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
(Pharmacists) Chikungunya Essentials: A Guide to Prevention and Management
This continuing education lesson is designed primarily for pharmacists and has been accredited by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) for 2.0 CEU(s).
This continuing educational activity has been accredited by the OPQ; 0.75 continuing education units/credits will be awarded to pharmacists who successfully complete the program.

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a mosquito-borne alphavirus, is the causative agent of chikungunya (CHIK) disease, a condition with low mortality but high acute and chronic morbidity resulting in high overall burden of disease. Infection rates of CHIKV have increased in recent years, and this upward trend is expected to continue as vector habitats continue to expand. This program will provide participants with key insights into CHIKV, including its epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, current management and preventative strategies, including vaccines in development. The objective is to enable participants to enhance their knowledge of the disease and diagnostic skills, implement effective management strategies and contribute to public health efforts to protect against the virus.

This program has received an educational grant or in-kind support from Valneva.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education program, participants will be better able to:

  • Explain the epidemiology and burden of chikungunya virus
  • Describe the clinical presentation and morbidity of chikungunya virus infection
  • Counsel travellers on preventative strategies to reduce mosquito-borne viral infections
  • Describe he chikungunya vaccines under development and the potential role of vaccination in preventing chikungunya virus infection

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
Inspiring Vaccine Confidence: Empowering Patients through Conversation
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

This program equips healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to effectively address vaccine hesitancy and communicate with patients at different levels of vaccine confidence. Divided into two modules, the program uses case studies to discuss practical techniques for engaging vaccine-hesitant individuals and ensuring informed decision-making. The aim of this program is to support healthcare professionals in developing the skills necessary to navigate complex conversations, bridge gaps in vaccine confidence, and promote informed decision-making among their patients.

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

Rising rates of vaccine hesitancy can result in an increasing number of cases, morbidity, and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. This program describes the impact of vaccine hesitancy, the role of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in supporting vaccine uptake, and strategies to address potential patient concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. The aim of this program is to support clinicians’ efforts in engaging their vaccine-hesitant patients in in open and meaningful conversations, with the goal of optimizing vaccine uptake in clinical practice.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • Discuss the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy in Canada
  • Describe factors that contribute to vaccine hesitancy
  • Address potential concerns about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety
  • Discuss strategies for overcoming vaccine hesitancy and promoting vaccine confidence

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
From Classic to Cutting-Edge: The Evolution of Vaccine Technologies
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

Vaccination remains a very effective method of preventing infectious diseases and represents a relevant contribution to human health. An estimated 3 to 5.5 million deaths are averted each year due to vaccination. This program supports clinicians in discussing the past, present, and future of vaccine innovation. The program provides a foundation on common vaccine types and traditional vaccine development. This is followed by an overview of novel vaccine technologies and their role in known and emerging infectious diseases and diseases not traditionally addressed by vaccination.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • Describe common vaccine types and their functionality
  • Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of common vaccine types
  • Describe novel vaccine technologies and their potential impact on both infectious and non-infectious disease

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Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Nancy Durand, MD; Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, MSCP; Sherilyn Houle, BSP, PhD, CTH, AFTM RCPS(Glasg); Elizabeth E. Smith, BScN, MN
Maximizing the Uptake of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for All Ages: Practical Case Studies and Strategies for Protection
Maximum of 0.50 CPD - Non-US Physicians
0.50 CEU(s) (0.050 CEUs) - Non-US Pharmacists

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for a Canadian audience of primary care physicians, obstetricians/gynecologists, oncologists, dentists, otolaryngologists, public and preventive health specialists, nurses, and pharmacists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to understand the challenges in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake and key practical steps and communication triggers that are needed for successful HPV vaccine recommendation or administration.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Identification of expert recommended practical approaches to increase HPV vaccine uptake such as use of technology and patient engagement (eg, discussing link between virus and cancers)
  • Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to Effectively implement in daily practice communication to unvaccinated people regarding the benefits of HPV vaccination

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.


mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Seniors

While COVID-19 has affected all Canadians, seniors are particularly vulnerable to its health impacts, including a higher risk of hospitalization, health complications, and death. This 60-minute, unaccredited webinar provides education on the ongoing burden of COVID-19 for older adults, reflecting on lessons learned throughout the pandemic, with a discussion on preventative measures to reduce risk in this population. This program is designed to provide practical information on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) guidance for Fall 2023 immunizations in Canada, and strategies to promote awareness of the continued risk posed by COVID-19.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education video, participants will be better able to:

  • Recognize the risk and consequences of COVID-19 in older adults
  • Explain the role of new COVID-19 vaccine formulations and other preventative measures in protecting older adults
  • Implement approved COVID-19 immunization guidance from NACI for older adults
  • Employ strategies to discuss the importance of COVID-19 vaccine boosters with older adults

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
(en anglais seulement)
COVID-19 in the Black Canadian Population

Individuals from the Black Canadian community are at high risk of COVID-19 infection and mortality. This program reviews the impact of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian community, describes factors contributing to the significant COVID-19 burden in this population, and provides NACI recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education video, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe the significant impact of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian population
  • Discuss factors that contribute to the burden of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian population
  • Review NACI recommendations for the COVID-19 primary series and COVID-19 vaccine booster doses

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mdBriefCase: Formation médicale continue en ligne pour les médecins
Vaccination des tout-petits contre la COVID-19 – Ce qu’il faut savoir pour protéger vos patients

Compte tenu de la nature évolutive de la COVID-19 en pédiatrie, les parents et les soignants peuvent avoir des questions sur sa présentation clinique et la vaccination contre la COVID-19. Ce dossier d’experts comprend des discussions concernant l’impact du virus sur les enfants âgés de 6 mois à 5 ans, l’efficacité et l’innocuité des vaccins à ARNm chez les enfants, et il aborde les questions et les mythes courants liés aux vaccins.

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
Après avoir visionné cette vidéo « Expert en Bref », le participant sera mieux à même de :

  • Discuter de la recommandation de la vaccination pédiatrique contre la COVID-19 chez les enfants âgés de 6 mois à 5 ans
  • Décrire l'efficacité et l'innocuité des vaccins contre la COVID-19 chez les enfants
  • Passer en revue les questions et les mythes courants concernant la vaccination contre la COVID-19 dans la population infantile
  • Aborder la réticence à la vaccination des parents/soignants de jeunes enfants

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Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Taison D. Bell, MD, MBA; Jerika T. Lam, PharmD, APh, AAHIVP, FCSHP; Monique J. Soileau-Burke, MD, IBCLC, FAAP
Optimizing Opportunities in Vaccination: Practical Considerations for an Evolving COVID-19 Landscape
Maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians
Maximum of 1.00 ABIM MOC points - ABIM Diplomates
1.00 Knowledge-based ACPE (0.100 CEUs) - Pharmacists
1.0 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit - IPCE

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for primary care physicians, infectious disease specialists, pediatricians, and pharmacists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to identify optimal strategies to encourage COVID-19 vaccination.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Distinguishing characteristics among available COVID-19 vaccines
  • Have greater competence related to Implementing strategies that address patient hesitancy to vaccination
  • Improving vaccine coverage by implementing guideline-recommended vaccine boosters
  • Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to Establish an interprofessional approach to addressing patient concerns related to COVID-19 vaccination

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Gregory A. Poland, MD, MATh, MACP, FIDSA, FRCP; Nadine Rouphael, MD, MSc, FSSCI, FIDSA; Flor M. Munoz, MD, MSc, FAAP
Essential Updates in COVID-19 Vaccines
Maximum of 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians
Maximum of 0.50 ABIM MOC points - ABIM Diplomates

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for infectious disease specialists, primary care physicians, pediatricians, obstetrician/gynecologists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to understand the updates in COVID-19 vaccines and recommend them to appropriate patients.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Current recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines
  • Have greater competence related to Recommending available COVID-19 vaccines to appropriate patients
  • Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to Discuss COVID-19 vaccinations with patients

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.

Medscape: Online CME
(en anglais seulement)
By Aziz Sheikh, OBE, FRSE, FMedSci; Christian Buske, MD; Dorry Segev, MD, PhD
Exploring the Ongoing Risk of Severe COVID-19 in At-Risk Populations
Maximum of 0.50 CPD - Non-US Physician

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for global (ex-US) allergists and clinical immunologists, hematology/oncology specialists, infectious disease (ID) specialists, nephrologists, pulmonologists, primary care practitioners (PCPs), and transplant surgeons.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to identify immunocompromised people who are at risk for symptomatic COVID-19 infection despite vaccination.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Risk factors for COVID-19 despite vaccination
  • Impact of symptomatic COVID-19 on immunocompromised patients
  • Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to Identify who is at risk for COVID-19 despite vaccination

Pour vous inscrire, allez au site Internet de Medscape.