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Healthcare Professionals – e-Learning


Browse a selection of educational resources and online continuing medical education credits (CMEs) regarding vaccination. Select a category below to view available broadcasts, training modules and webinar titles. Note that these courses are designated to healthcare professionals only.

Titles are listed by category:


The New Cell-Based Influenza Vaccine
Implications for Your Patients
Presented by John Papastergiou, BSc, BSc Phm

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the characteristics of the influenza virus and the effect of antigenic drift
  • Compare the production and effectiveness of the new cell-based vaccine with egg-based vaccines
  • Implement methods to optimize immunization services

To participate in this CE program and earn 1 CEU, you must be a registered user of CanadianHealthcareNetwork.ca and its companion learning site, eCortex.ca. Registration is free and easy. Visit www.canadianhealthcarenetwork.ca to sign up.

Visit eCortex.ca to register.

Flu Refresher Course

This training module is intended as a refresher on how to administer the flu vaccine. The module can be completed within 30 minutes.

The iMD Patient Engagement Platform is a web-based patient education platform that is available on any device with internet. iMD Health enables healthcare providers to bring their patient sessions to life through the seamless integration of professionally-vetted diagrams, educational resources, brochures and videos covering over 1,800 medical conditions, procedures and treatment options.

To get your account, visit app.imdhealth.com/signup.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
Influenza Vaccination: The Most Important Tool in the Toolkit
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit.

This is a 30-minute CFPC Mainpro+ accredited eCME program for Canadian HCPs. The goal is to provide education on the burden of influenza, and influenza prevention and control measures. This program is designed to provide practical information on influenza vaccines available in Canada and influenza vaccine recommendations in order to support discussions with patients in your clinical practice.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education program, participants will be better able to:

  • Explain the burden of influenza and importance of protection against preventable disease.
  • Discuss the national vaccine recommendations for the 2023-2024 influenza season.
  • Apply influenza vaccination recommendations in clinical practice.
  • Employ strategies to address patient barriers to influenza vaccination.

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
Influenza – Fact or Fiction

Influenza is a highly contagious viral respiratory infection which can result in severe illness leading to hospitalization and death. This series of Fact or Fiction articles discuss key facts relating to the clinical burden of influenza, the relationship between influenza and cardiovascular events, seasonality and patterns of influenza infection, and the role of influenza vaccines.

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

Infants & Children

mdBriefCase: Online CME
Short and Long-Acting Monoclonal Antibodies for RSV Immunoprophylaxis
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 1.0 Mainpro+ Credit.

This is a 60-minute CFPC Mainpro+ certified eCME program for Canadian HCPs. The goal is to provide education on the burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and guidance on RSV prevention and control measures. This program is designed to provide practical information on the monoclonal antibodies authorized for RSV prophylaxis in Canada, including a new long-acting monoclonal antibody for all infants.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education, program participants will be better able to:

  • Recognize the prevalence and burden of RSV disease in all infants
  • Explain the role of monoclonal antibodies for protection against preventable disease
  • Apply approved RSV immunoprophylaxis in clinical practice
  • Employ strategies to discuss RSV immunoprophylaxis for all infants and children

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

Teenagers & Adults

mdBriefCase: Online CME
The Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Seniors

While COVID-19 has affected all Canadians, seniors are particularly vulnerable to its health impacts, including a higher risk of hospitalization, health complications, and death. This 60-minute, unaccredited webinar provides education on the ongoing burden of COVID-19 for older adults, reflecting on lessons learned throughout the pandemic, with a discussion on preventative measures to reduce risk in this population. This program is designed to provide practical information on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) guidance for Fall 2023 immunizations in Canada, and strategies to promote awareness of the continued risk posed by COVID-19.

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

Travel Health

by Ajit Johal, B.Sc. (Pharm), BCPP, CTH, CDE
Travel Health Services by Primary Care Pharmacists in Community Practice
Approved for 1 CEU (continuing education unit)

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe traveller cases that can be managed by primary care pharmacists.
  • Educate the traveller regarding anticipated health risks and methods for prevention, based on risk assessment.
  • Recommend the appropriate immunizations, and over‐the‐counter products for travelling patients who can be managed by primary care pharmacists.
  • Identify high‐risk patients or destinations that require a referral to a travel medicine specialist or travel clinic.

Visit eCortex.ca to register.

Medscape: Online CME
Chikungunya Virus: A Growing Preventable Risk to Travelers in a Warming Planet
Approved for Maximum of 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM - Physicians
Approved for Maximum of 0.50 ABIM MOC points - ABIM Diplomates

Target Audience and Goal Statement

This activity is intended for primary care physicians and infectious disease specialists.

The goal of this activity is for learners to be better able to understand the etiology and impact of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), how climate change is affecting its distribution, challenges with diagnosis and management, and recent clinical data on the CHIKV vaccines.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the
    • Impact that climate change has on CHIKV transmission and epidemiology
    • Current clinical challenges in diagnosing CHIKV
    • Status of CHIKV vaccine development

Visit Medscape to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
(Physicians) Chikungunya Essentials: A Guide to Prevention and Management
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.75 Mainpro+ Credits.

This is a 45-minute, CFPC/CCCEP/OPQ-accredited eCME program for primary care physicians, pharmacists and other travel health practitioners. The goal is to equip healthcare providers with knowledge about the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus, including transmission, risk factors, diagnostic criteria and disease management, while also unveiling new preventative strategies, including vaccines in development, to protect against the chikungunya virus.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education program, participants will be better able to:

  • Explain the epidemiology and burden of chikungunya virus
  • Describe the clinical presentation and morbidity of chikungunya virus infection
  • Counsel travellers on preventative strategies to reduce mosquito-borne viral infections
  • Describe the chikungunya vaccines under development and the potential role of vaccination in preventing chikungunya virus infection

Visit mdBriefCase to register.


mdBriefCase: Online CME
Inspiring Vaccine Confidence: Empowering Patients through Conversation
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

This program equips healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to effectively address vaccine hesitancy and communicate with patients at different levels of vaccine confidence. Divided into two modules, the program uses case studies to discuss practical techniques for engaging vaccine-hesitant individuals and ensuring informed decision-making. The aim of this program is to support healthcare professionals in developing the skills necessary to navigate complex conversations, bridge gaps in vaccine confidence, and promote informed decision-making among their patients.

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

Rising rates of vaccine hesitancy can result in an increasing number of cases, morbidity, and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. This program describes the impact of vaccine hesitancy, the role of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in supporting vaccine uptake, and strategies to address potential patient concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. The aim of this program is to support clinicians’ efforts in engaging their vaccine-hesitant patients in in open and meaningful conversations, with the goal of optimizing vaccine uptake in clinical practice.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • Discuss the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy in Canada
  • Describe factors that contribute to vaccine hesitancy
  • Address potential concerns about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety
  • Discuss strategies for overcoming vaccine hesitancy and promoting vaccine confidence

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
From Classic to Cutting-Edge: The Evolution of Vaccine Technologies
This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 0.5 Mainpro+ Credit(s).

Vaccination remains a very effective method of preventing infectious diseases and represents a relevant contribution to human health. An estimated 3 to 5.5 million deaths are averted each year due to vaccination. This program supports clinicians in discussing the past, present, and future of vaccine innovation. The program provides a foundation on common vaccine types and traditional vaccine development. This is followed by an overview of novel vaccine technologies and their role in known and emerging infectious diseases and diseases not traditionally addressed by vaccination.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • Describe common vaccine types and their functionality
  • Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of common vaccine types
  • Describe novel vaccine technologies and their potential impact on both infectious and non-infectious disease

Visit mdBriefCase to register.


mdBriefCase: Online CME
The Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Seniors

While COVID-19 has affected all Canadians, seniors are particularly vulnerable to its health impacts, including a higher risk of hospitalization, health complications, and death. This 60-minute, unaccredited webinar provides education on the ongoing burden of COVID-19 for older adults, reflecting on lessons learned throughout the pandemic, with a discussion on preventative measures to reduce risk in this population. This program is designed to provide practical information on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) guidance for Fall 2023 immunizations in Canada, and strategies to promote awareness of the continued risk posed by COVID-19.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education video, participants will be better able to:

  • Recognize the risk and consequences of COVID-19 in older adults
  • Explain the role of new COVID-19 vaccine formulations and other preventative measures in protecting older adults
  • Implement approved COVID-19 immunization guidance from NACI for older adults
  • Employ strategies to discuss the importance of COVID-19 vaccine boosters with older adults

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
COVID-19 in the Black Canadian Population

Individuals from the Black Canadian community are at high risk of COVID-19 infection and mortality. This program reviews the impact of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian community, describes factors contributing to the significant COVID-19 burden in this population, and provides NACI recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education video, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe the significant impact of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian population
  • Discuss factors that contribute to the burden of COVID-19 in the Black Canadian population
  • Review NACI recommendations for the COVID-19 primary series and COVID-19 vaccine booster doses

Visit mdBriefCase to register.

mdBriefCase: Online CME
COVID-19 in the Latin American Community in Canada

Canadians who are part of the Latin American community are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and are at an increased risk of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization. This program describes the impact of COVID-19 on the Latin American community, reviews factors that contribute to this impact, and describes NACI recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination.

Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this continuing education video, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe the impact of COVID-19 on the Latin American community in Canada
  • Review NACI recommendations for the COVID-19 primary series and COVID-19 vaccine booster doses
  • Identify strategies that clinicians can use to help optimize COVID-19 vaccination in Canada’s Latin American community

Visit mdBriefCase to register.