This is the place to find lots of useful tips, articles, and resources to help you stay informed and healthy during flu season. Vaccines411 provides addresses and contact information for over 5,000 flu clinics, so you will know where to go for immunizations to help prevent the flu and other contagious illnesses that can spread during flu season.
As well, we have gathered a variety of reliable resources and information on influenza for the flu season. Click on the links below to learn more about influenza, including what causes the flu, how to identify flu symptoms, what can put you and your family at increased risk for the flu, influenza prevention measures, and tips for managing the flu if you or a family member catch it.
Flu Resources:
- Do your part to avoid the flu By Vaccines411
- Preventing flu in the time of COVID By Vaccines411
- What is FLU DRIFT? and how does it affect our seasonal flu vaccine? By Vaccines411
- Flu-Pneumococcal Vaccines By Vaccines411
- Ready for another flu season? By Vaccines411
Tips & Tools:
- Patient Information Library Vaccines411
- Respiratory virus trends in Canada Governement of Canada
- Global Influenza Program WHO
- Respiratory infectious diseases: How to reduce the spread with personal protective measures Government of Canada
- Guide to the Seasonal Flu for Seniors National Council for Aging Care
- How to Prevent the Flu: Natural Ways, After Exposure, and More Healthline
- Preventing Seasonal Flu CDC
- 10 Myths About Flu Vaccines Banner Health
- 10 Facts About the Flu You Should Know Healthline
- Not Sure If You Can Get an Influenza Vaccine?
- Flu vaccine for kids and during pregnancy Ontario
Featured Resources:
- Flu (Influenza) Health Canada
- Influenza Surveillance Health Canada
- Respiratory infectious diseases: Break the chain of infection Government of Canada
- Learn about the Flu Vaccine CANImmunize
- What you need to know about cold and flu season The Conversation
- It’s RSV season in Canada. Here’s how to keep children safe Global News
- Flu prevention Government of Canada
- When to go to the Emergency Room Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Influenza: are we ready? WHO
- How COVID-19 is altering cold and flu seasons GAVI
- Flu Vaccination Program Government of Quebec
- 5 myths about the flu vaccine WHO
- Learn about RSV CANImmunize
Infographics/Fact Snacks:
This list of resources is in no way complete, if you have a resource link which should be included on this page please contact us at ac.114seniccav@troppus.
This information should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your physician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.