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Keeping up with your adult vaccinations: be sure you have the immunizations you need.

Keeping up with your adult vaccinations: be sure you have the immunizations you need.

It’s a common misconception that getting a vaccine is a one-and-done deal, but let us debunk the myth. The protection offered by routine childhood vaccinations against common diseases doesn’t last forever; in fact, booster doses are often required to restrengthen our ability to ward off infection throughout our adult lives.1

Why vaccination benefits everyone

Immunizations don’t only benefit the person they’re being administered to, either. Whether you have aging parents, kids, or grandchildren in your life, staying on top of your vaccinations and booster schedule helps you avoid spreading preventable, contagious illnesses to those around you.2 The higher the vaccination rates, the lower the likelihood of outbreaks.

Why immunization requirements change over time

As we age, our natural immunity weakens, reducing the body’s defences against pathogens around us.2 We may also develop chronic health conditions such as heart or lung conditions, diabetes, obesity, and weakened immune systems – all of which can increase symptom severity for how we experience many viruses. Just think of how dangerous the flu or COVID-19 have been for immunocompromised and older people.3

Other changes in life and lifestyle also heighten the importance of keeping your vaccinations up to date. Travelling or a rich social life could expose you to unaccounted-for health risks, and although most adults felt they’ve received all vaccines required for someone their age, less than one in 10 met their vaccination requirements.2

Vaccines and boosters to keep up with in adults

Several vaccinations are especially important for older adults and seniors, a population segment that can become more vulnerable to illness over time.2 Boosters and vaccines are recommended for ongoing protection against these preventable diseases: 4

  1. Pneumococcus, which can lead to severe pneumonia in seniors;
  2. Tetanus, an infection that enters the body when contaminated soil comes in contact with an open wound;
  3. Diphtheria, which is generally spread between people sharing the same air space;
  4. Pertussis (whooping cough), which is generally mild in adults but can be deadly for infants who catch it;
  5. Measles, mumps, rubella, shingles, and chicken pox, which are highly contagious illnesses that can have serious consequences in adults who have missed their immunizations in infancy; and
  6. Influenza, RSV and COVID-19, which mimic common cold symptoms but can lead to far more severe symptoms, even death.

These immunizations are affordable if not free for Canadians in select age groups or with certain health conditions, so don’t miss out on a good thing!5 Check your vaccination records to be sure you have the immunizations you need to stay safe. If you aren’t sure of your vaccination status, ask your doctor or check with your local public health office.2

If you want to know more about the vaccines you have access to, find a vaccination clinic near you.

Brought to you by Vaccines411.ca – know where to go for your vaccinations.

This information should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your physician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

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  1. Immunization for adults.
  2. An Adult’s Guide to Vaccination.
  3. COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?
  4. Vaccination for adults.
  5. Provincial and territorial routine vaccination programs for healthy, previously immunized adults.