Welcome to our page dedicated to immunization resources for teenagers and preteens. Discover essential information about routine vaccines, HPV vaccines, meningitis vaccines, and travel vaccines to stay healthy and protected. Explore our resources to learn more about the benefits of vaccination and how to stay up to date with your vaccines.
Teens & Tweens Immunization Resources:
- Teens and tweens - Catch up on vaccines! By Vaccines411
- Protect youth through prevention By Vaccines411
- Love in the Time of STIs By Vaccines411
- What you need to know about HPV: Let's talk about sex, baby! By Vaccines411
Tips & Tools:
- HPV: Answer to your 4W's Vaccines411
- Vaccine records: Access your or your child’s vaccination history Government of Canada
- How to prevent meningitis in your teenager Life Plus Well-being
- IMPROVING THE VACCINATION EXPERIENCE: Learn how to play your CARDs AboutKidsHealth.ca
Featured Resources:
- Have a healthy back-to-school season Vaccines411
- Immunize for Healthy Travel Vaccines411
- Meningitis - Get the facts! Vaccines411
- HPVinfo.ca SOGC.ca
- Sex & U: Your trusted resource for sexual & reproductive health SOGC.ca
- A Teen's Guide to Vaccination Government of Canada
- HPV: What teens need to know Caring for Kids CPS
- Travel vaccinations Government of Canada

All of us against HPV - 57:11

Meningococcal disease: Why are teens and young adults at higher risk for catching it? - 0:59
Immunize Canada
Immunize Canada
Infographics/Fact Snacks:
This list of resources is in no way complete, if you have a resource link which should be included on this page please contact us at ac.114seniccav@troppus.
This information should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your physician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.